

Ling Yeo Sheng

我是来自柔佛士乃的凌耀盛,我今年20岁,我是银星烘焙学院第18班的学生。这是我第一次在FHA2016参加国际比赛,对我来说这是一个很好的经验和挑战。我代表银星学院参赛,我的参赛作品是freestyle 结婚蛋糕,主题是‘华贵的婚礼’。在这次的比赛里我很荣幸获得特金佳绩。经过这次的比赛后,我答应在未来的日子里我会再接再厉以便作出更好的作品。 最后在这里,我要感谢两位恩师-莊堡堡恩师,陈畋丞恩师的悉心教导和我的家人与亲戚朋友的支持,如果没有他们就不会成就今天的我凌耀盛。


I am so pleased to win a gold medal in one freestyle wedding cake category in 2016 FHA culinaire challenge. Received this award is such an amazing honor. But it’s not a victory of my own, but one of all giving help all along. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you and deepest thanks to the academy instructor, Chef Daniel and Chef Nick for their guidance and encouragement. They are always so patient when I asked questions and explained everything so thoroughly. Next, I would like to thank my family and friends for the supporting. Thank you. Thanks all of you! During this contest, I really learn a lot and realize the true meaning of the proverb “No pain, No gain”, cause I really devote a lot on it. Currently, I working in the Shangri-la hotel Singapore. So I have to sacrifice my off day and holiday, of course stay back training after work. When the time people are sleeping or enjoying, I still struggle on how to improve my work. The way to success is always difficult. I believe that only if you work hard, dreams will come true one day. I will do better in the future work to make greater progress and  achievement.

Tong Pai Chee

在这艰难的3个月里,让我了解到了什么是皇家糖霜,也学会了好多技巧,如何制作。从一开始的零经验,到参加FHM 2015 比赛,然后拿金牌。。真的是一场梦! 很感谢silver chef 学院的院长Chef Daniel和副院长 Chef Nick无私的把他们对于皇家糖霜的知识和技巧都教我们。不管他们有多忙于教课,也不会忽略我们,只要有问题,他们都会在。刚开始会不习惯他们的作风,时时刻刻都好像在监视我们做作品,而且,时常都在催促我们的进度。希望我们可以在限定时间完成我们的作品,这样的方式,的确很压力。可是,到后来终于知道他们的用心良苦。对我来说,这样的老师可遇不可求。谢谢你们给了我这么难得的一次机会参加比赛,让我证明自己的实力。还记得比赛当天,你们帮忙检查我们的作品,抬作品进赛场,直到我们全部都安全的把作品放在展示台上,你们才松了一口气,看得出你们比我们任何一个人都来的紧张和压力~ 最后,我们都做到了,大家都获得优越的成绩,没有辜负你们的期望。 当然,我的战友们也很重要,在这3个月里的相处,我们大家培养了默契,团队精神。虽然平时吵吵闹闹,叽叽喳喳,爱听歌看戏,还被老师投诉,可是我们还是会为了自己的作品而奋斗。最让我感动的是你们的不自私和关心,在比赛时,大家都为对方而紧张,都希望大家可以一起安全的把作品都放上展示台。当一起抱着走出赛场的那一刻,很激动,很兴奋,这就是团队精神。如果少了你们,这些日子一定很难熬。很庆幸认识了这班战友,让我这条路不孤单。希望大家可以继续为了自己的目标而前进,有缘再一起作战!!

Tan Bean Yee

FHM 2015 比赛我得了銀牌!6個月烘培班開始改變了我的生活!從沒想過三個月的實習变成了我的國際比賽!開心的是我也沒想過自己的比赛作品能够得到好成績。 這三個月裡認識了一班戰友,我們的辛苦、努力、時間、奮鬥、甚至睡眠不足常常熬夜!這些都告訴我們自己要堅持下去完成我們的作品!在這里也非常感謝我們的導師,謝謝你們無私的教導,鼓勵我們,當我們遇到瓶頸時是你們不斷的開導我們,讓我們重捨信心。感恩老師的付出,謝謝。

Han Sheng Xian


Goh Sheng Ching

我是来自银星烘焙学院第21班的吴生景。很快的比赛就这样结束了。首先要感谢家人在比赛这期间不断的鼓励和支持。我相信当每个人要去完成一件艰难的事必须要有家人的支持才会有推动力坚持去完成。谢谢家人的体谅和谅解,我这3个月准备比赛期间无法一直陪伴左右。这3个月说长不长,说短也不短,但是真的不好受也不好过。谢谢战友们的陪伴,一起吃,一起熬夜,一起发牢骚抒发压力,一起完成各自的作品,互相鼓励和给予不同的意见,直到完成比赛一起得奖。最后要感谢的当然是两位重量级的恩师Chef Daniel Choong和Chef Nick Tan。谢谢他们的看重 ,给我一个难得的机会去参加一个国际比赛。谢谢他们无私的教导,把他们毕生所学的技巧和知识传授予我们。让我能更深入的了解和掌握对于如何制作皇家糖霜的技巧。 3个月的努力与打拼是值得的,因为我在这一次的FHM 2015 结婚蛋糕的项目当中得了金牌。大家一定要相信”天下无难事,只怕有心人”。

Chong Jia En

我是来自银星烘焙学院的第21班的学生 Chong Jia En。很荣幸的因为有机会参与FHM 2015的比赛 感谢CHEF DANIEL 和 CHEF NICK给予的机会。在一开始完全没有想象到自己有能力参加比赛,但得到老师们说的一句话-要相信自己! 就这样和几个同学一起踏上了这一条路,在过程当中,我们一遇到瓶颈老师们也能及时地提供我们意见给于我们帮助。在时间越来越少的时候 大家都拼上了一百分的认真,用尽了自己全部的精力、睡眠时间、想法和耐力 就为了把作品做好! 就因为一句话 要相信自己! 感谢Chef Daniel和Chef Nick 无私的教导 让我们拥有这一次蜕变的机会 也让我们这几位从零零散散 最后变成了真正的团队 一起努力 一起加油 一起互相帮忙。 希望我们每一位 不管是再继续走比赛这条路 亦或是往其他方面发展 都不要忘了在比赛过程中的那种坚持并相信自己的心 用这一份对烘焙界的心 度过了我们人生中许许多多的难关。

Lee Ken Seng

30/9/15 让我又紧张又兴奋的一天,老师给了我机会参与FHM 2015 这项比赛。 努力了接近三个月,终于得到了一个肯定,获得了可以证明自己的一个荣誉。 感谢双亲的体谅与支持,感恩Daniel Choong和Chef Nick Tan两位老师的栽培与教导。谢谢我的同伴Tan Bean Yee, Tong Pai Chee, Goh Sheng Ching, Ling Yeo Sheng, Chong Jia En, 韩胜贤的互相支持、鼓励与帮助。 一切尽在不言中~

Lok Yuen Ling

I am from Sabah, I joined Silver Chef Academy’s Diploma in Patisserie full-time course. I am glad for friendly lecturers and classmates as I did not feel alienated in an unfamiliar environment in the beginning. I was privileged to participate in the 2014 FHA Culinaire Challenge through the lecturers’ encouragement and assurance, day and night. I am thankful to Chef Daniel’s creative ideas. All the lecturers were willing to teach and guide; thus, I landed with a bronze medal, my first at an international challenge! I want to thank all the lecturers and classmates for their support, and I hope all of us can breakthrough our personal best in the world of patisserie soon.

Peter Lim Choon Yan

I am very grateful to Silver Chef Academy for giving me the golden opportunity to take part in the 2014 FHA Culinaire Challenge (Singapore). Many thanks to Chef Daniel and Chef Nick for their time in guiding me in fulfilling my dream. I want to thank my family for their support as well. I will continue to strive in the field of patisserie and become one of the most outstanding pastry chefs.

Lee Kern Jiang

A very big thank you to Silver Chef Academy for allowing me to represent it to take part in the 2013 FHM Culinaire Challenge (Malaysia) and 2014 FHA Culinaire Challenge (Singapore). Through these competitions, I gained a lot of valuable experience, knowledge and skills needed to make wedding cakes. I would sincerely thank my lecturers, Chef Daniel and Chef Nick for sharing their experiences, and relentless guidance towards me throughout the competition. I also want to thank every Silver Chef staff for their support and encouragement. I will always remember Chef Daniel’s advice that we should persevere and never give up working towards our dreams. Winning medals at the competitions has definitely brought me a step closer to my dream patisserie career!

Janice Kan Lai Yen

I very appreciate for the opportunity given by Silver Chef Academy to participate in the 2013 FHM Culinaire Challenge. Chef Daniel and Chef Nick was very helpful, as they gave me detailed guidance. Their advices, support and encouragement geared me towards my first bronze medal. Thank you Silver Chef Academy!

Suan Li Yin

I am thankful that I can represent Silver Chef Academy in participating in the 2013 FHM Culinaire Challenge. Big thanks to both Chef Daniel and Chef Nick for their patience and guidance throughout the competition. Their motivation had led me jump a step in the field of patisserie.

Lim Choon Chin

“I am elated to have obtained the gold medal at this competition.  I am very appreciative to the lecturers and staff of Silver Chef Academy, I thank both Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan for their painstaking supervision.  Chef Daniel will always ask us if we were satisfied with our final outcome, if we were not, he would encourage us to redo the unsatisfactory part until perfect.  Other than focusing on our products, he was also concerned about our health as he always reminded us not to neglect our water and food intake.  I would like to thank my family for their support as well.  I hope to achieve an even better result in the future”.

Guen Wai Leong

“A big thank you to Silver Chef Academy for allowing me to represent it to join the 2011 FHM Culinaire Challenge (Wedding Cake category). Through this competition, not only did I learn a lot, it had also widened my patisserie scope as I was able to see other competitors’ work. We were able to compete with chefs from around the world. I would like to thank both Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan for their relentless guidance and motivation. I would also like to thank the staff of Silver Chef Academy for helping me through this competition.”

Lee Tien Fung

“I am from Sabah, I joined Silver Chef Academy as their 3rd batch of students last year in the 8-month Full-time City & Guilds (UK) Diploma in Patisserie (baking) course. Through the 2011 FHM Culinaire Challenge, I have gained extraordinary experiences, and also built up the confidence in myself. I would like to specially thank both the lecturers, Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan. Without their experiences, guidance, patience, encouragement and detailed requirements, I would not end up with the success I have today. I will definitely continue to outdo myself in the field of patisserie.”

Cheong Kok Hoong

“I thank Silver Chef Academy for the opportunity to develop my specialty, Royal Icing Wedding Cake. I experienced a lot through the 2011 FHM Culinaire Challenge, each time I face difficulties and feel like giving up, both Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan will encourage me to press on. It is through their guidance that I managed to obtain bronze. Together with Silver Chef Academy, I will continue on with my patisserie career to an even greater height!”

Han Kar Fui

“Coming from Sabah, I joined Silver Chef Academy as their 3rd batch of students last year in the 8-month Full-time City & Guilds (UK) Diploma in Patisserie (baking) course. Advancing into my patisserie career, I took up the challenge in joining the 2011 FHM Culinaire Challenge. I took about 4 months to complete my final product, and through these 4 months, I learnt a lot, and at the same time, I noticed my weaknesses which I will work on. I would like to thank my lecturers, Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan for contributing their all to see us through the competition. Their persistence has motivated us to understand the meaning that success requires hard work.”

How Siew Wui

“I want to thank the lecturers and staff of Silver Chef Academy for guiding and helping me for the past few months. I am very happy about the final result. I also thank Silver Chef Academy for allowing us to use its practical kitchen to work on our products.”

Teoh Beng Keng

“I am very happy to win at the 2011 FHM Culinaire Challenge. I am grateful to all of Silver Chef Academy’s staff, practical lecturers, Chef Daniel Choong and Chef Nick Tan, and theory lecturer, Alan Tan, for their untiring efforts in helping me with this competition. Their experiences and sharing led me to step further in the field of patisserie. I will continue to work harder and excel so to fulfill Silver Chef Academy’s mission in seeing me successful in my career”.
